Concussion Code of Conduct

Introduction: It is imperative to establish a comprehensive Concussion Code of Conduct to prioritize the health and safety of our athletes. Concussions are serious injuries that require prompt recognition, appropriate management, and a cautious return to play protocol. This code of conduct outlines our commitment to concussion awareness, prevention, and management within our academy.

1. Education and Awareness:

  • Coaches and staff members, will receive education on the signs, symptoms, and risks associated with concussions.
  • Informational materials, including brochures and online resources, will be provided to ensure comprehensive understanding.  Concussion Online Resources

2. Pre-Participation Assessment:

  • Prior to participation in any Killer Instinct Academy activities, all athletes must undergo a pre-participation assessment to identify any pre-existing conditions or risk factors for concussion. Which is in the sign up form for each program we offer.
  • Athletes with a history of concussion or other relevant medical conditions will be closely monitored and may require additional medical clearance before participation.

3. Reporting and Recognition:

  • Coaches, staff members, and athletes are responsible for promptly reporting any suspected concussions to the designated concussion coordinator.
  • Recognizing the signs and symptoms of concussion, including headache, dizziness, confusion, nausea, and sensitivity to light or noise, is crucial for early detection and intervention.

4. Removal from Play:

  • Any athlete suspected of sustaining a concussion must be immediately removed from play and evaluated by a qualified healthcare professional.
  • Under no circumstances should an athlete return to play on the same day of a suspected concussion.

5. Medical Evaluation and Management:

  • Athletes diagnosed with a concussion will receive timely and appropriate medical evaluation and management.
  • Individualized concussion management plans will be developed in collaboration with healthcare professionals to ensure safe and gradual return to activity.

6. Return to Play Protocol:

  • Athletes will adhere to a step-wise return to play protocol, gradually increasing activity levels under the guidance of healthcare professionals.
  • Clearance for return to full participation will be based on symptom resolution and medical clearance.

7. Parent/Guardian Communication:

  • Parents/guardians will be promptly notified in the event of a suspected or diagnosed concussion.
  • Open communication channels will be maintained to address concerns, provide updates, and facilitate the athlete’s recovery process.

8. Documentation and Record-Keeping:

  • Concussion incidents, evaluations, and management plans will be documented in a confidential manner.
  • Records will be securely maintained and accessible only to authorized personnel.

Conclusion: By adhering to this Concussion Code of Conduct, Killer Instinct Academy demonstrates its unwavering commitment to prioritizing the health, safety, and well-being of our athletes. Through education, prevention, and proactive management, we strive to create a culture of concussion awareness and ensure a safe environment for all participants.

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